If only...

What is your “if only”? What goal or dream do you have that is yet unrealized?  You know that thing you want to do, deep down in your soul. That thing that you know you are meant to do but never take the leap. You tell yourself things like “I would do it, if only...”. If I had more time, if I had more money, if I had more confidence. If only...  

Think about that for a minute. Really think about it. I’ll wait....


Now, ask yourself if any of those “if onlys” are good reasons to hold back? I bet they aren’t. My experience over the past 4 years should have eliminated any reasons for hesitation. Strangely, I’m in the same boat as everyone else. I was faced with a life changing event and I STILL tell myself all of those things. Every single day.  Let’s be real. Someday is not a date and no one is promised tomorrow.


Think about what is holding you back. Now figure out how to work around it. Make your dream happen. Take baby steps. I truly believe that anything is possible if you have faith and are willing to work for it. You can make things happen, you just have to be willing to take the first step. I’m ready. I’m excited and I’m determined.

The fact that I’m alive 4 years after being diagnosed with stage III breast cancer is amazing, and has absolutely nothing to do with anything I did. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to have another chapter in my life, but I want my children to see their mom do something with that second chance. Nothing may come of it, but I want them to see me try. 

So, what do you say? Wanna try? 

Let's talk, shall we?

I'll let her tell it