About Me

Welcome to my world! I am a 50-something wife, working mom and cancer patient (we don't use the S word around here). I've learned a lot in my time on this earth but there is so much that I don't know. That's why we are here! I've blogged through the premature birth of our son and his time in the NICU. I also blogged about my cancer experience - from the day I was diagnosed, through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and reconstruction. This continues to be a significant part of my life but there is so much more.  I accept the fact that my life is perfectly imperfect but that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in trying to elevate my level of perfect imperfection. I do not have everything figured out so I wanted to start this site to serve as a resource for others like me. Women (or men) who are trying to find balance in their life - house & home, family, money, parenting, health...just about everything.  If you are living a perfectly imperfect life, like me, I hope you'll find something valuable here and maybe even contribute!

I look forward to seeing what we can learn together!

Love to all,

January 2022