I quit!
That’s the theme for 2019. It’s not a resolution, it’s about being in control of me, my health, my time and my sanity! So far this year I’ve quit the following:
Sugar, dairy, bread - processed foods (For a couple of months but the goal is moderation the rest of the year)
I’ve been thinking about the whole social media thing for a while but a couple of weeks ago I decided I was going to quit cold turkey. *I deactivated my account but when I do that I can’t put up the blog posts. So the account is live ONLY so I can share to the blog page. Let me say this - you don’t realize how much time you spend on social media until you drop it. Holy cow! That crap is all consuming.
Did I miss something?? Let me check my phone!!!
I successfully made it to yet another birthday this month and I’m officially too old to be chained to my phone to see what’s happening. What have I been doing with all that free time? Well I’m glad you asked! My free time is now consumed with meal prep/cooking (you have to prep/cook 3 meals a day if you quit eating crap), purging the house and working on some “crafty” projects on my own and with my baby girl. I’m having a ball! I’m still adjusting to the looks I get when people ask if I saw something someone posted on Facebook and I reply “I don’t have Facebook anymore.” I’ve never been one of the cool kids so it’s really ok.
A few of our projects are included below. We’re getting a little better every time. And I like painting stuff…who knew!?!
I’m off to bed (not feeling great) but I’ll write the updates from cancer screening season tomorrow.
Love to all!