What a difference a day makes...again

Hello blog friends!
I apologize for being gone for a couple of days. It was not planned. I was ok on Wednesday but I had a horrible night on Wednesday night and felt horrible yesterday and spent most of the day trying to rest. The fluid started building up in my back and a bit on my side after the drain was removed. By Wednesday night I was quite uncomfortable and had a horrible time sleeping.  I went to bed and fell asleep but was awake only an hour or so later. I don't think I went to sleep until about 4 AM and was awake again by 6:15 or so.  After the kids were off to school, I put dinner in the crock pot and hit the couch to try to sleep. I wouldn't say that I was napping, it was more like a series of brief "dozes" and didn't really help much. By early afternoon, I was feeling awful.  I was tired, sore and pretty nauseated. Once again, my parents saved the day and came down to pick up the kids and hang out at the house while I slept. I was able to sleep soundly for just shy of 2 hours and it made a world of difference. Thankfully,I'm feeling much better today, thank you for asking.
So, the week that I thought was going to be one filled with "almost normal", wasn't quite.  I will continue to prep and plan for Monday's surgery and the recovery period to follow. The past 2 1/2 weeks + have just flown by.

Gotta run for now but I'll be back later.

Love to all,

Today's post is brought to you by the word seroma

The good, the bad and the ugly