Where in the world have you been?

I'm still here and kickin'. I've been doing the sleep thing, as you might expect. I didn't get much last weekend so I'm trying to be sure I get enough this weekend. 
Side effects this week have been annoying. Now dealing with some arm pain/possible cording so that stinks but I'm working through it. I'll be contacting my PT this week to see if there is anything extra I should be doing. Good times. Other than that I still have tingling feet, raging heartburn, and a super dry nose. Ready to get the last 6 chemo sessions out of the way and move on to phase 3. I'm looking forward to the day that I have ZERO side effects to report and I can be somewhat normal again. Don't worry. I'm still all smiles but speaking the truth. That's what you come here for, right??  

Love to all!

It's time the get the ticker checked & all about my chemo meds

It's 2:22 and I'm awake