I am in one seriously wacky sleep cycle

Let me start by saying that I started this post in the 2 o'clock hour this morning. It was brief but I did it from my phone and somehow exited out and lost it. At that hour, I was not terribly interested in starting over so here I am again.
After yesterday's marathon sleep session I wasn't sure how the rest of the day would go. Would I be sleepy? Would I be awake for another 12 hours...or more?  Who knows what to expect with these crazy chemicals coursing through your veins. In my case, I was sleepy again by supper time. I was able to eat and make it until after 7PM before heading to bed.  I'm not sure what time exactly - not that anyone cares anyway.  But I slept until Bobby woke me for my 10 PM meds. We each had a bowl of cereal - nice quality time together - and then I headed back to bed. I thought I'd change things up a bit and turn on a movie and fall right to sleep. What movie did I choose? The Dark Knight Rises.

As you might guess, this was not a good choice if your goal is sleep. First, I'm a Christian Bale fan...just like him for some reason.  Also, the movie is good, the cast is good, heck, the series is good! I also like most of the movies Christopher Nolan makes...I was hooked at Memento. Don't get me started on Inception. I just love smart, somewhat complicated movies. Anyway, this movie is not a lullaby, nor is it boring, nor is it short....so several hours later, I was still awake. It may have been close to 3 AM by the time I got to sleep but I then slept in until almost 9 this morning. I could go back to bed right now but I'm trying to get close to a normal cycle again. I have a feeling I'll be taking a bit of a snooze after lunch today.

For now, I'm up and about. I'm dressed...like a slouch, but dressed. I have makeup on so I don't scare anyone and I've been enjoying time on the patio. The weather is LOVELY and the breeze is fabulous. Granny Bug and Papaw Bob (Bobby's parents, for the 3 people who may not know) are here and Bug is working on lunch. Mmmmmm!

I'll check in later. Enjoy your day, friends!

Love to all,

Hello Chemo Brain. I'm changing my name to Dory.

And then I slept for 12 hours