It's not always sunshine and rainbows

Today's post is going to be about the not so perfect side of life. I spend a lot of time focusing on the positive. I think that's incredibly important, but it doesn't mean that it's all fabulous all the time. I've said it before, if I'm posting my business to help others then I have to share the positives and the negatives. Let's see the list, shall we?

  • Note my epic blog post plan fail. Right out of the gate. I planned on regular posts and, here we are a month later and I'm just getting around to a post. 
  • I've had a few bouts of pretty hefty anxiety over the past month or so. As a result I've been eating my emotions and gained about 10 pounds. GREAT! That makes you feel good about yourself. 
  • Why the anxiety? I had my 6 month oncology follow up. That always creates some anxiety since I have to get bloodwork done and I get to worry for a while leading up to the appointment and up until I get the results. You'd be amazed where your mind can go. And I'll get to do it all over again right before Christmas. Joy!
  • As you might imagine, cancer has a significant impact in the financial department. Thank God for insurance and savings and family!  Little Ms. Positive here has said, out loud, that it would have been cheaper to die. I admit, that was a bad choice of words, but you get the idea. I'm here and we're good, there just won't be any Disney vacations for a few more years. 
  • I'm in some level of pain or discomfort all the time. It's part of my life and has been that way for the better part of 4 years now. Scar tissue and muscle spasms are the worst. The weirdest and most annoying thing I deal with is itchy spots on numb skin. That sounds funny but think about that. I literally have itches that I can't scratch. That's a special kind of "torture". 
  • I have days when I have trouble finding the positive. If you've been around for a while, you know I allow myself 24 hours of self pity. I have to admit, sometimes I go a little over. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it sucks!

Now, how do I work my way through...eventually?

  • I remind myself that I'm still here and I need to focus on the now. I have a husband, whom I adore, and 2 little children who deserve my love and attention. I control the things I can control and LIVE!
  • Letting the anxiety take over is not good for my mental or physical well being. I have to be self aware and pull myself back out and lean on my circle of loving family and friends when I need a little extra support.
  • Don't forget self care! If I don't take care of me, I can't take care of everyone else. (I'm really, really bad at this.)

Nobody's life is always sunshine and rainbows. Don't judge your situation based on the social media versions of life. Everybody has something. We're all better off if we share our experiences and support each other through the clouds and rain. 

Love to all!


Life without social media...

Let's talk, shall we?