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Put your boots on, it's about to get deep in here.

Tomorrow is the big day. I feel like I should tell you I'm nervous, stressed, distraught...but I'm not. There's something you need to understand. I am, apparently, wired a little weird. In previous posts I've mentioned our history and have dubbed us The Redneck Kennedys. We've been through a lot, yes, but I have a different perspective than you might expect. Because of everything we've been through, I actually believe in miracles. I'm not so naive to think that they will continue to happen to us over and over...that's not it. But I've seen too much to be a non-believer. The power of a positive attitude, lots of love and bit of fight will get you places. I believe everything happens for a reason, it happens when it is supposed to happen and there is ALWAYS  a purpose and a lesson. I'm in control of the things I can control and the rest is up to God (or whomever you believe in). I really am OK. I'm prepared for tomorrow and all that is to come. I want everyone around me to feel the same peace and general ease that I feel right now. No worries, no tears, only smiles, prayers, positive thoughts, love and OF COURSE some dancing.
It's been a crazy busy day so far and we aren't even done yet. When you think of the Doolins (and our families) over the next few days, do it with a smile on your face and love in your heart. That's the way we live and we've done OK so far.
Love to all!

See ya on the flip side!