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Welcome to the imperfection

If you've been following along for the past decade, you know that I've found great personal benefit from blogging. First, with the premature birth of our son and then my journey through a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Cancer  and it's aftermath will continue to be a topic of discussion and education here but my life is more than that. I have many of the same issues (if not more) than most women out there. I find it very challenging trying to balance family, health, work, finances, house stuff and things that interest me. I've been looking for a resource where other women share their successes and failures. I'm not interested in the social media version of life - you know, those people who, at least on Facebook, look like they have it all figured out. Well I, for one, do not and I'm so OK with admitting that. I'm looking for real feedback from real people who are also living a perfectly imperfect life. 

I will continue to blog here but I would love for the site to become a true resource. With tips, tricks, shortcuts, advice,  and additional contributors...meaning it's not just going to be me. I'd love to hear about what you are interested in. What do you want to know more about it? Parenting? Time management? Money? Education? Hobbies?  I have adopted the "if you can't find it then make it yourself" philosophy. This may not go anywhere but maybe it I've said with every other blog/project I've done, if I can help one person then it's all worth with it. 

I hope you love your perfectly imperfect life as much as I love mine. Let's make them even better by supporting each other!

Back soon!

Love to all,